Hello VSCCC Members,
A reminder to purchase your tickets (if you haven’t done so already) for our annual President’s Dinner, being held in the Danish Canadian Club’s Tivoli Room, 727 11th Ave SW, on Friday, March 21st.
Registration will be closing shortly, and we require an accurate number of registrants for our chef at the DCC.
Doors open at 6:00 Dinner is at 7:00
Dinner will consist of a hot and cold buffet with both chicken and beef offered Salmon is included in the cold section
Assortment of salads, with vegetarian choices if one is so inclined
Dessert, coffee and tea
A cash bar will be available
The cost for this event is $50.00 per person
As this event is being subsidized by the club, please limit your guests to one (1)
This evening features another favourite: it’s our annual Silent Auction
Charity this year for net proceeds of the Silent Auction is the Calgary Police Youth Foundation. It’s a great charity and one worthy of strong support of our membership!
Back to the Silent Auction….albeit we have some items on hand, we do appreciate donations from our membership. Items can be new or gently used. Car related or not. Items that will appeal to wives and husbands alike. Whatever you think will be interesting and saleable..
One more thing. We seek several volunteers from within the general membership. Two or three for the "Meet and Greet” desk at the front of the Tivoli Room, and a couple more to assist with the Silent Auction (This is a great way to introduce yourself and begin friendships with fellow “Car buffs”).
Have items to donate to the auction? Interested in helping out this evening? Please contact Tony Lamb - Events Coordinator:
(403) 283-3368
(403) 560-1468 cell
With thanks!